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Trickster 2 4 2 – Quickly Access Recently Used Files

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  1. Trickster 2 4 2 – Quickly Access Recently Used Files Stored
  2. Trickster 2 4 2 – Quickly Access Recently Used Files Pdf

Espresso 5 3 20. Knowing how to check for recently created or modified files in your computer is important because there might be a time when someone used your computer for a moment and you need check if there has been any third party software installed without your permission. Or perhaps you're probably trying to find the document that you read a month ago but cannot remember the file name or the location where you've stored the file.

Not only that, sneaky adware can also get into your computer when you've accidentally clicked the wrong button on a download wrapper and you won't even realize it until you find new shortcut icons on your desktop or you get a random browser popup.

Files and folders are being added or replaced often in Windows, especially when software you know about or might not even know about is being installed. Here we show you a few ways to check for recently created or modified files on your computer so you can see what is new or has been changed and when.

You can easily find those files by simply investigating the files that were recently created or modified. In this article we'll share with you a couple of ways to check for recently created or modified files on your computer.

Trickster 2.4.2 – Quickly access recently used files. Trickster (was Blast) is a productivity booster application that places all recently used files at user's. The Quick Access feature in Windows 10 lets you access frequently used files and folders easily. However, you might want to clear it out periodically.

1. Programs and Features

The easiest way to check for recently installed software on your computer is through Programs and Features found in Control Panel. You can easily view the latest installed software by clicking on the 'Installed On' column to sort the list according to date.

If you can't find Programs and Features in Control Panel, press WIN+R and type appwiz.cpl followed by hitting the Enter key. Obviously this method is far from complete because it does not display portable programs that require no installation on the list. This method is more useful for legitimate software that requires installation.

2. Windows Search

The Windows Search has the capability to search your hard drive or a network drive and display files based on created or modified date. At the top right of Windows Explorer where you'll find a Search bar, type datecreated: or datemodified: and a calendar will pop up allowing you to select a date or date range.

Although the built-in Search in Windows isn't the best search tool, it is helpful if you need to quickly check for the recently created or modified files on the computer without relying on a third party search software.

3. Everything

Trickster 2 4 2 – Quickly Access Recently Used Files Stored

Everything is probably the most efficient search engine for your computer. Running Everything will instantly crawl your hard drive and list all the files and folders that are found on your computer. It is very fast and takes merely a few seconds to crawl a hard drive containing hundreds of thousands of files. You can easily sort the list by Date Modified, Date Created and even Date Accessed but do take note that sorting the list the first time will take a bit of time.

Since Everything will index every file and folder found on the computer, it has some very useful filters where a few pre-made filters have been created by default to list files from different category such as audio, compressed, document, executable, folder, picture and video. So if you're checking for possible malware infection, selecting the Executable filter will greatly help in pruning through the list.

Download Everything

4. SearchMyFiles

NirSoft has an excellent free search tool called SearchMyFiles where you can find very flexible and powerful search options like file/folder exclusion, files/subfolders wildcard, file size, attributes, file created, modified and accessed time. Unlike Everything that lists all files/folders and then you need to use filters, SearchMyFiles only lists the files that you would like to see based on the search options.

To search for recently created or modified files on your computer, pay more attention to the file time area in the search options. You can choose a time range, last XX seconds/minutes/hours/days, today and since last reboot.

Download SearchMyFiles

5. Random's System Information Tool

Random's System Information Tool is a small and portable tool that relies heavily on HijackThis to generate the main system analysis report and it fills the gaps by adding a list of files and folders that were created or modified 1-3 months ago to the log file.

Trickster 2 4 2 – Quickly Access Recently Used Files Pdf

Do take note that Random's System Information Tool will automatically download a copy of HijackThis in the background as HijackThis is run as a separate program. If you have a firewall informing you that RSIT is making an outgoing connection, you'll need to allow it through.

Download Random's System Information Tool

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richa agnihotri3 years ago

Will it work for File server windows server 2003 and File Server with EMC VNX storage??


You save my time!!! ;) Thank you Raymond… Thank you very much. ;)

A name3 years ago

A unistall program is on my pc and i didnt install it. is this a hacker?


Doubtful, you might have installed a program and other stuff (such as that) might have got installed as well, that's called adware, junkware etc…

prashant Tambe3 years ago

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww it worked …. it just worked … i downloaded everything to find the file that was everything abt my Phd work … and I got it …. BTW to tell you to get my file back I had contacted some 5 IT professionals !!! But you people are simply great !!! stay blessed !!1


nice, really nice!

sunkumarspace12 years ago

definitely a keep for me , as this is an essential software


Thanks just what i always wanted…

MerleOne12 years ago

Excellent, and it works fine behind our firewall ! I have noticed a bunch of updated system files (in System32) and probably have to check them one by one…


Thanks mate

SULTANTECH12 years ago

wonderful, that is great tool to heal computer troubles, thank you Raymond.


thanks ray~ great software! will help people a lot!

Mehmet12 years ago

wow, it is wonderful


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You can customize the number of the most recently used documents in two places:

  • The number of the most recently used documents in the Open menu on the File tab, forexample:
  • The number of the most recently used documents on the File tab, for example:

To customize the number of the most recently used documents, do the following:

1. On the File tab, click the Options button:

2. In the Word Options dialog box, on the Advanced tab,scroll down to the Display section:

  • In the Show this number of Recent Documents box, set the number of documents you want to haveon the File -> Open menu. You can choose any number between 0 and 50 (inclusive).
  • Select the checkbox to Quickly access this number of Recent Documents and choose how manyfiles you want to see.

Note: Clearing the checkbox removes the list.

3. Click the OK button.

When you increase the number in the Show this number of Recent Documents dropdown list, Worddoesn't add the extra files immediately to the list, but rather adds them one by one as you open andclose files.

If you reduce the number to 0, someone can't increase that number and immediately see which filesyou've been working with (but they still may be able to find that information elsewhere in the Windowsoperating system).

To make Word keep a particular document on the File tab, open the Open menu, and then forthe Recent pane, click the pin next to the file's name. Word pushes in the pin to indicate thatthe document is 'pinned' in place, and then keeps the file in that place on the list until you unpin itby clicking the pin again:

See also this tip in French:Modifier le nombre de documents les plus récemment utilisés.

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